Scan barcode and manage and get notified of the expiry dates of your items.Freshness is an application that manages expiry date of items at home. Noti
Scan barcode and manage and get notified of the expiry dates of your items.
Freshness is an application that manages expiry date of items at home. Notification for each item will be broadcast 1 month, 1 week and 1 day before expiry. User can scan barcode to add new item to the watch list. When a new item is added, it is automatically added to the unique item list which the user can choose from later, as an alternative to barcode scanning. The purpose of keeping a unique item list is to make it easier for user to add new watch item in the future. Ideally the unique item list will consist of all the items which the user habitually buy and which have the danger of expiring without the user's knowing. The customized unique item list and the easeful barcode scanning are what Freshness is proud of.